Monday, July 13, 2009


... because I'm swamped with work I didn't get done over the weekend because I played too much! Well, just one dinghy picnic ... but it was a looong one. :)

Last year, we found a little nook near the harbour entrance where we can watch the comings-and-goings without getting hit by wind, or too much wake. This time, we watched this cruise-ship dock ...

... and watched the idiot boaters trying to go by it as it's backing up!

After our picnic, we followed the wake of a whale-watching boat ...

...and then meandered through the Inner Harbour, and checked out the 150-ft. Katya...

and the equally luxurious, though different, Chimera...

... which is an Australia-based, award-winning 102 ft. custom-built sailboat.

Finally, we dropped anchor in another little nook to enjoy an ice cream cone, and watch this tug come under the bridge...

The harbour's been really busy this week, including a fancy-dancy huge, new navy blue helicopter making the rounds -- I'm thinking it's carrying either media or security because of this ...

In spite of the work schedule (and the occasional looong dinghy picnic distraction), knitting has happened -- I'm on row 110 of the Waves in the Square shawl (which means it's 387 stitches now, but will yet grow to over 500), but no decent pics to show you.

I'll be at Knotty by Nature knitting this afternoon, too, so I better get back to work!

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