I'm sorry, dear loyal readers, I had no intention of abandoning this little corner of my world for that long. Life (and FACEBOOK) have both gotten in the way a lot!
The short story: Michael and I are both still well (for 60-somethings), still sober, still together and happy. Still on the Wind Walker, still on Salt Spring Island, and I'm still knitting and writing.
We do have a new 'home' though. After 4 years in Fulford, we'd had enough of the not-very-nice-man who owned the property there (in spite of his wonderful wife and daughter... we could've lived there forever if it was just them) - we never said anything publicly because we liked living in Fulford, but being in his world wasn't much fun.
So in June we untied the lines on the boat and left for good. We spent the summer on a mooring buoy in Ganges, and on September 1st moved to a new dock -- where we are the welcomed caretakers of a home and property for some great folks who live full-time in Hollywood, and only 6 weeks of the year here.
One of the new views out our windows....
We're several miles closer to 'town' (Ganges), on a much nicer road, and these folks have treated us SO well since we got here. We hope to stay for a very loooooonng time. :-)
The favorite thing I've knit this year? Well, this was the first of five Dreambirds I made - I was a little obsessed with them for a bit!

The last one pictured here won me 2nd prize at the Fall Fair ... that was a first for me! I might still knit more.... they're pretty fun.
Life is good .... and I hope you all have an AMAZING 2016. I think I will!
Thanks for the update, and the pictures of your beautiful knitting. Happy New Year!
The dream birds is amazing. Glad you are loving your new location. Glad to see a post popping up from you. All the best in the upcoming year.
Late to the party but couldn't help welcoming you back! Good to hear you've found a new moorage for your Windwalker. Those shawls are amazingly beautiful! You deserve a prize for sure.
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