All about our life afloat ... currently on a dock in the Canadian Gulf Islands.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
There's not a cloud in the sky, it's a long weekend, I survived the FibreFest, we have fuel in the boat tanks -- Albert Head, here we come! Much knitting will take place -- back Tuesday! :-)
Dear Marilyn, Can I be you in my next life? (Big grin) I am so envious of your lifestyle. (I know, I know. I'm sure it took A LOT to get there! I realize this great lifestyle of yours didn't happen overnight.) I especially love it when you go out to play. Love the photos!!
Please enter me in your contest for knitterly goodness. Much thanks! specialmarketsrepATverizonDOTnet
My hubby Michael and I have lived afloat for 18 years now, and we'll never go back to land! The last 15 years have been on our 38' 1965 Chris Craft, Wind Walker . Apart from boating, I knit. A lot. You can email me at skipper at mvwindwalker dot com .
Dear Marilyn,
Can I be you in my next life? (Big grin) I am so envious of your lifestyle. (I know, I know. I'm sure it took A LOT to get there! I realize this great lifestyle of yours didn't happen overnight.) I especially love it when you go out to play. Love the photos!!
Please enter me in your contest for knitterly goodness. Much thanks! specialmarketsrepATverizonDOTnet
Hope you are having a fabulous time!
I posted about your contest today on my blog.
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