Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Does this tugboat look a little wonky to you? It should, because it's on the bottom! Quite often these tugs tie up at this abandoned jetty right next to our marina... to rest, or wait for the dude to come lift the bridge, or whatever. So yesterday, these guys tied up at about noon -- and the tide was still going out, out, out.

It was almost 6 pm before he had enough water underneath to re-float and take off.

And my 'personal' oops is that I'm late posting about getting my latest International Scarf Exchange parcel .... here it is, minus the chocolate (my hubby and grandson made short work of that!) and the little sheep magnets, which I forgot to put in the photo. My secret partner gets an 'A' for these TWO scarves ... one is a thick cabled neckwarmer (perfect for spring and fall dinghy rides!) and the other is a slim and light two-tone chevron-pattern. Both delightful, and much appreciated!

In knitterly news, I'm just finishing the final pattern repeat on my second Harbour Lights shawl, and should be able to start on the edging today. :-) Not much knitting -- or blogging -- time now, with FibreFest details taking up tons of time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely blue scarves!

Thought of you last night when I saw the news of the test pylons being pounded down. Fancy marina, I believe they are hoping to build?
