Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I just had a two-day 'retreat' with my sister.

I'm going to Quadra Island next week for a 3-day knitting retreat.

I produce a major fibre festival in June, and have a million details to take care of between now and then.

I have a new writing/editing job that's due in 10 days.

I haven't got time to goof off today ... but life is too short not to! (Right? Right?)

We're going off the dock, for the first time since our anniversary in January. It's supposed to be a beautiful sunny, calm and warm day, and Albert Head has been calling our name since spring arrived here in Victoria. I have to be back to teach a class at 7 pm so we'll just go for the day, but I can hardly wait!

I have two knitting projects that I should be able to finish.... and who knows? I may even start spring cleaning.

If you need me, I'll be here...


Anonymous said...

Enjoy! Sounds good to me!

Anonymous said...

Wait .... the retreat is next week already?!? How did that happen?

Enjoy Albert Head.
