Saturday, December 18, 2010


I was talking to Mike on Galiano this morning - he called to tell us that their power was out (it's blowing 35 kts out there right now) but that he'd fired up his generator and had a heater going so he was okay.

I said that I'd have to go down to Clover Point this morning for a little 'storm watching' and he commented that there shouldn't be any boat traffic to speak of since anyone out in that would be a complete idiot.

I remembered, when he said that, that someone told me a few weeks ago that the Port Angeles ferry, which crosses the Juan de Fuca Strait at least twice a day (double that in the summer) has never missed a single crossing! So I googled that, and here's what I found!

Pretty amazing, and I'm sure it's absolutely true -- I've seen it out there in pretty big seas, 'tacking' like a sailboat to keep the bow into the wind.

The Coho is part of the Washington State ferry system, but she's been a fixture in our harbour for over 50 years, so she 'feels' like ours!

Today's agenda: MUCH knitting. I just found out yesterday that someone I wasn't expecting will join us for Christmas  this year, so I have to whip up a toque today! :)

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