It's about a 2-hour drive, through Colwood/Langford area, and Sooke. We stopped at Jordon River to watch the surfers (and were lucky enough to see some!) then carried on through the classic rainforest west coast looping-and-winding-highway to Port Renfrew. It was pissy most of the day so we hardly got out of the car (hence, no original photos, either) but it was lovely to just escape for a time. Michael, as always, did most of the driving so I got to knit lots -- finished the scarf I had on the needles, and started another one. That makes almost 100 of the 150 has promised to the Extreme Outreach Ministry for their Christmas hampers!
PHOTO OF THE DAY: This is as close as I'll ever get to a great blue heron ... especially one having its lunch!