But when you read or watch the news, it's all very 'surreal' -- it's one of those events that only happens to other people, or in the movies or something.
Until the fire is on the mountain in Whistler, BC, burning 3 miles away from where our daughter Hailey lives.

Last night's update was that it's burning *away* from the Village, but it's nerve-wracking, regardless! When I got hold of Hailey on her cell phone, I suggested that she should get out of Dodge and she had actually considered doing just that -- but had a job to go to, so decided, in the end, that it would be 'business as usual' until she hears otherwise from the authorities there.
The 6 a.m. update says the fire is still burning up and away from the Village -- and none of the Olympic venues are affected at this point, so it may well turn into a non-event for this family.
It's supposed to be a few degrees cooler today, so maybe I'll actually get some work done.