Well, I got 'discharged' from the hospital yesterday, which now means that I'm back on pill-form antibiotics until the end of the week, and have to have a visiting nurse in twice in the next few days. It's still all a little bit scary, but it's mostly SO annoying to have no energy and to be in pain, when I'm always so 'gung-ho' getting back from holidays, to work - on paid and not-paid projects!
I took this picture of a poster on the treatment room wall before I left -- thought you'd get a kick out of it!

I can finally show you my holiday knitting (I'm able to sit at the computer for 30-45 minutes now, yay)! This is three hats for charity, two pairs of socks, a headband and a moebius scarf made from some home-spun I acquired a year or so ago.

This is one more pair of socks, and two blankets -- the brown one is a lap blanket
Rosemary was working on when she died, so several of us knitted on it and I finished it while we were away...

... and the navy blue one is a new lap blanket for the back of Michael's chair -- it's my own pattern, called 'Window Panes' (which I hope to publish this fall -- that would be *one* of the projects I'd like to work on)! I used a cable that resembles a ship's rope:

... and in the bottom left-hand corner is an anchor motif. It's hard to see, but it's there...

The whole blanket is a rich navy blue, which you can't really tell from these photos.
Today I'll be spending the required four hours in Michael's recliner with my leg propped up -- lots of knitting time -- and in between, hoping to get back to some work. I'm going to Tofino on Sunday to teach knitting classes at the new
yarn store there, and I'm pretty excited about that!