Our trip to Whistler was wonderful! Day one... playing in the snow in Hailey's yard... 
When snack time came, neither one of them wanted to come in .... so they got their plate of strawberries in the snow!
Both boys got on skis...

River fell in love with skiing, for sure -- Gibson was a little less enthusiastic, but still had fun trying! He was pretty tuckered out by the end of the day...

River also went to the tube park with Kobe, the son of a friend of Hailey's, who is the same age.

We ate, we laughed, we cried, and in spite of a fairly busy schedule, I found lots of knitting time... the burgundy shawl is *this* close to being finished, I'm on the edging but waiting to hear back from the designer about a mistake in the pattern:

I finally finished the black pair of socks I cast on right after Christmas, too ...

(The black stripes are the result of simply purling two rows with the black every 1/2"!)
We got back Friday, and Hailey came back with us because it was Michael's birthday this weekend. But first, on Saturday I was part of the committee hosting the day-long Victoria Hand Weavers and Spinners Guild 'Spin In'. There were about 60 spinners...

Three merchants...

Show and tell, as always...

Isabel hadn't put her mitred socks in to the show and tell, so I asked her to model them for me:

And Carroll even brought her pet llama to entertain us!

Saturday evening Mischa and the boys and Hailey and I took Michael out for his favorite Chinese smorg dinner (wow, can you tell *my* priorities? I didn't take a single picture!), and yesterday, we accomplished pretty much nothing.
I teach a class tomorrow and Hailey has to go back to Whistler on Wednesday, so I'm hoping to get her help organizing my stash room today!