Monday, January 21, 2013


First of all, I want to wish a very happy birthday to my first-born!
(I stole this picture from one of his Facebook albums....) 

Jason is 39 today -- uh-oh, I guess that means I can't claim to be 39 anymore, now, can I?  :-) We're having lunch on Wednesday, so I'm looking forward to that!

Secondly, welcome back to Canada to Hailey, who spent the last week working in La Jolla, California. Well, she *claims* she was working, but the only picture she sent me was this one:   ;-)
I guess if I lived in Whistler year-round, I'd be pretty happy to show off my toes in flip-flops in the sun and sand in January, too!

And since I'm all about pictures of other people taken by other people this morning, I might as well show you this one (also stolen from FB) ... Joshua in the toque I knit him for Christmas!
Adorable, huh? That's his Mom, Cara, with him ... but I didn't knit her toque. (She, and it, are pretty adorable, too, though!)

Knitting is happening .... I'm participating in a 'mystery' shawl knit-along (meaning a clue gets released every week so you don't actually know what it will look like until it's done) -- but so far so good:
What's not to love? Pale blue cotton, lace, and beads!

1 comment:

Louisa said...

Happy Birthday to your son who is Exactly The Same Age as my son! Love all the woolies on your family members.