Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Just a quick check-in while I have internet access (we are on the dock at the Port Browning Marina, North Pender Island, for the night) .... wow, we've been over 16 days on this holiday, and today's the first clouds we've seen. And there's only a few even now!

HIghlight of our time at Cabbage/Tumbo Island...

... watching the full 'harvest moon' come up over Tumbo -- unbelievable!

I have to go do laundry (oh, the joys of sharing a public marina washing machine!), and will try to re-connect again in an hour or so.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're still afloat and having a good time. (Laundry doesn't count.)

Anonymous said...

That moon was amazing over the water, can't imagine actually being on the water with it!!



Monica said...

Hey Marilyn, your holiday photos look great. Hope to see you sometime soon.