The video is only slightly better (and short)!
I also got to spend some extra time with Gibson the same day -- we walked right out to the end of the breakwater and back!

We watched a huge sailboat being unloaded from that yacht freighter, but more importantly (because Gibson found it far more interesting!), we watched this great blue heron wrestle with a baby eel for several minutes .... before dropping it back into the water!

Yesterday I made it out to the spinning group and managed to knit about 4 rows on the never-ending blanket -- which has to end today because it's going up-Island tomorrow, gift-wrapped, for Dave and Vicky's wedding. I think I've told about three different people this week that I'll see them at Friday Knit'n'Cafe ... and I won't be there!
Today is Canada Day and although I'll mostly be knitting, I am intending to make it down to Ogden Point for the start of the Vic-Maui sailboat race (I'll be watching/cheering for 'Kinetic')... and of course we have 'front row seats' on the bridge of the Wind Walker, for tonight's fireworks!
In the next few days I'll be posting details for a contest -- in addition to putting another FibreFest to bed and finishing my 50th pair of socks, we also celebrated 12 years aboard the Wind Walker YESTERDAY ... AND my 6th 'blogiversary' is in a few days. Sounds like lots of good reasons to celebrate, doesn't it?
Happy to see that you have recovered from Fibre Fest. Congrats to River for completing Elementary school. Loved the little video. Very cool photos of the heron.
Happy blogoversary :) Mine was just a couple days ago.
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