Here's what it looks like out my window this morning....

It's drizzly and cold and miserable .... and yesterday was just gray and miserable. I don't think we've had 3 straight days of hot summer weather *yet* this year!
Oh, well, we had a great time with the boys over last weekend ...

I'm SO glad we still live close enough that they can come for visits ... even though it's a bit more complicated than it used to be!
I've had lots of knitting time, and some results to show for it! I finished designing and knitting a pair of socks based on the little flower stitch pattern I used for Wendy's shawl a few weeks ago:

I'll have to get Michael to take a picture of them on me later today ... that's when you can see the little flowers 'pop' the best. I was also playing on the ferry ride over to Victoria the other day (when I delivered the boys back to Mischa) and came up with this...

I have a second-hand fleece jacket that I just love, but it has an old company logo embroidered on the chest and I've been trying to come up with something to cover it up. I have some tiny ribbon flowers that Esther made a few years ago that I can add to the centre of this (instead of that little pink I-cord holding it all together) and I think this will work!
I've started a knitting circle here in Fulford (at the Rock Salt Restaurant, 2 -4 pm) and today is the day -- I've sat there knitting, alone, for the last two Thursdays, but this time I put an announcement about it on the SaltSpring Exchange site, and it's had over 90 'views,' so hopefully I'll have some company today!
And then it's a homemade-soup-for-supper kind of a day ... did I mention how domestic I've been since we got here? :)
Love your socks with the beads and I hope you didn't have to knit at the cafe by yourself again today! Would love to see pictures of some knitters with you on Saltspring.'re back on the computer! and telephone!!! Did you want me to post your new phone number!! I think not.
Hope you had company at your knitting group.
I had the grandsons here for 2 days/one night..then they HAD to go home to see how Mom was doing with her shoulder (after surgery)..She's doing very well.
Have started my second E.Z's surprise shades of black/rust and dark green...might add a shocking colour yet...hmm.
Rain rain rain...I need sunshine.
Miss you kiddo! I will surprise you and come over soon. Thanks for your comments on my blog.
Marilyn, your work is beautiful! I am SO glad we got to meet in Victoria. I had the best holiday ever! Love, Maria
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