A couple of times I didn't post until later in the day rather than my usual 6 a.m.-ish ramblings, but that was okay. There were thousands entered, and likely thousands were successful, and apparently there are buckets full of prizes to be won ... so I'll let you know if any of them make their way to me. :-)
Meanwhile, thank you all so much for the birthday wishes ... I had an okay day, even though it wasn't in Whistler. I took myself down to Clover Point, of course, although the view was a bit compromised...
Yes, those really are boats moving around out there. Yes, they really are crazy.
And after knitting non-stop for almost two hours (and having hardly anything to show for it, but more about that tomorrow!) I went to the Oak Bay Marina for lunch, where there was a little less fog...
That bump on top of the rock? It's a bald eagle, but I couldn't get close enough to get a decent picture ...
After lunch I wandered along the beach a bit, until I saw this...
At least once a year a boat breaks free of its moorings in this anchorage (it's exposed to the south-east, which is exactly where our winter storm winds come from), and heads to shore ... in this case, I knew the boat, because it was in our marina for about a year -- the folks were going traveling and didn't want to have to pay moorage while they were away, so they anchored it out instead.
Now they'll just have to pay for the municipality to haul what's left of it away. :-(
Where do you hear about these NaNoBloMo whatever thingies? I always seem to read about these events when they've already started.
I love the pics! I lived briefly in Vancouver and went to the Island every chance I got.
So sad about the boat. I always feel more sorry for the boat than for the owners....
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