I've been working on samples for a 'Christmas ornaments' class I'll be teaching at the store... one of these is easy for beginner knitters (the gift), one for intermediate knitters (the mitered square) and one for intermediate/advanced (the sock!) ... I'm still looking for a few other simple ideas for knitted Christmas ornaments -- any suggestions?

And here's the cables-and-lace scarf I've started that I promised a pic of:

It's much prettier red than the picture shows, but it's an easy knit. :-)
I used to make Christmas ornaments by felting fleece balls. I'd wrap fleece one way and then perpendicular, then put it in the toe of a pair of pantihose or knee high, knot it and then add another. Throw it in the washing machine and the dryer and you get a very cool felt ball. Keep in mind that felt shrinks so you have to make the fleece ball bigger.
would love to see a picture of Monica's ChristmasBallOrnaments...
please and thank you!!
Your ornaments are perfect, Marilyn!
great knitting pictures Marilyn, what pattern is the scarf?
little mittens, and sweaters. Berroco has tons of little sweater patterns...
What about little Christmas trees? You could do a longish triangle with a little square for the trunk. Or maybe something with I-cord tied into a circle like a wreath?
Cute ornaments and I love the scarf!
Christmas bells - there is a pattern here on ravelry.
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