I take River, and we back in to a parking spot anywhere along Dallas Road by about 4 pm to get a good spot -- it goes right by us! Then as soon as it goes by, we drive over to River's apartment, and by that time the parade has looped through Oak Bay and is coming down Yates Street -- right below their 9th floor apartment balcony.
The trucks are unbelievable -- a LOT of work goes into them! -- and it's just a great FREE evening (except for the food bank donation, of course). Here's a couple of shots from last year (lousy pics, but you'll get the idea...)

And a few of you have asked me about the 'Threads of Compassion' shawls for the Sexual Assault Centre, too. The shawls can be ANY size, any design, any fibre, and are given to victims at the hospital, in the police car, or in their own homes ... sort of a 'front-line hug', in my mind. It's like a non-denominational prayer shawl -- the T of C website says the idea is that the knitter should be a woman who has been 'affected by sexual abuse' (do you know any women who AREN'T??) so she is doing her own therapy as she knits the shawl, and she is to knit positive, loving and healing thoughts for the recipient as she knits.
Sounds good to me! You can knit shawls for your own local SAC, or send them to the address on the Threads of Compassion website, or you're welcome to send them to me for the Victoria SAC!
So ... back to my dilemma about Dec. 6th (which is also Canada's National Day of Remembrance About Women and Violence, too, by the way. I think I'll leave the Grand Opening at 4 pm, and take River to the truck parade. Then I'll join Michael on the boat (we'll have already taken the Wind Walker over to the Empress Dock on Friday) which will be decorated. Depending on the timing (which will be tight), we can either participate in the parade, or just hang out on the dock and have front row seats to watch it!
On my way up-Island today for the weekend, but this time I'm taking my laptop -- can't break my NaBloPoMo post-a-day commitment!
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