Well. They need another 130 knit hats for children, from 2 - 12, for their Christmas stocking program this year. (They would also like a 'hat for every homeless' -- about 500 of them! but I told them that even though we knitters are pretty amazing, miracles are just slightly beyond us.)
But 130 knitted hats for kids seemed a little more possible between now and Dec. 20th. If 65 of us knit two each, it's a done deal, right?
They can look like this...

... or this...

... or this...

... and, if you're local, I can give you yarn to use! Email me at skipper @ mvwindwalker dot com (you know the drill with the email addies) if you think you can help out, and I'll give you my mailing address, or you can pick up yarn or drop hats off at Knotty by Nature, 1816 Government Street here in Victoria.
I know we're all so busy this time of year, but if I can help make a difference in a child's life this Christmas, I'm going to squeeze in the time to make a couple of hats ... I hope you'll join me!
I love the hat with the little nknot on the top. What is tha name of it so I can look for it? I have started a couple of plain stockinett caps, and will hope to have them to you by the end of the week.
I might even have a couple in the box upstairs. I'll email you for your addy, as I won't be down island before the holidays.
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