Saturday, November 27, 2010


For some reason, I woke up this morning at 3:45 a.m. ... and couldn't get back to sleep. LOTS of knitting happened, which is a good thing -- finished the lap blanket. Then I had to attend the skipper's meeting for this weekend's Lighted Ship Parade in the Inner Harbour. I finally made it down to Clover Point just in time to watch this go by....

This beast looks like an old ferry but apparently it belongs to Fraser River Pile and Dredge; it must have been at the Esquimalt Shipyard, but was leaving the area when I saw it.

When I got home, Penny and Robin came for coffee, and then Jason stopped in for a visit. Then we went to the Santa Claus Parade with Gibson and River, who are having a 'sleep-over' tonight.

Oh, and somewhere in there I did a 45-minute walk along the waterfront -- it was lovely!

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