I've pretty much had a play day today -- almost finished the socks on the needles, but then had to drive Mike back out to the ferry ... going home to Galiano again for a few days. I decided to treat myself to a latte, and then knit my way home, so I stayed parked at the ferry for a bit, then drove back in to Sidney and parked at the waterfront there for awhile. Then I remembered that the Community Arts Council of the Saanich Peninsula was having a Christmas show show and sale at their space, so I went and checked that out!
Then I drove south to Island View Road, stopped at the market there for veggies for supper, then drove to Island View Beach. Knit some more, and then went for a looong walk along the shore and back to my van -- it was lovely. (By the way, I've been walking *almost* every day for two weeks now, and hope to keep doing that 5 out of 7 days a week). This was my view ... the Darcy Islands to the south ...

... and James Island to the north....

When I got home, Michael was outside bailing out the inflatable (it's rained a LOT lately!) and giving it a pump-up so we could go for a ride. That was even more lovely -- our local tall ship....
... and the little harbour ferries (they call them 'happy boats') were all tucked in for the winter...
It was a great idea but we got cold pretty quick and came home.
Now I have to finish those socks, and get another pair on the needles -- Weavers and Spinners meeting tonight!
1 comment:
I've said it before and I'll say it again... what a great life you have! What a wonderful way to spend a day. It's so beautiful there on Vancouver Island this time of year and thank you for sharing it with your "blogging" friends.
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