Monday, November 18, 2013


This evening my Welcome Wagon assistant, Jenny, and I participated in a local home-based business show held at Mahon Hall. The usual suspects were there ... Tupperware, PartyLite, Watsons, etc., but there were also several businesses that I wasn't familiar with, so that was an interesting experience. We were there mostly to introduce Welcome Wagon to those businesses, and we definitely made some good contacts and potential sponsors, so that was good, too.

Just before the doors opened to the public... 
 My assistant Jenny....
On the other hand, the (public) turnout wasn't so great, so the time went really slowly. To top it off, the organizers left both doors to the hall wide open the entire time (I'm guessing that was for the purpose of letting anyone driving by that there was something going on in the hall), and it was pouring rain and miserable outside -- so the end result, for me, is that I'm frozen to the bone now! I've been home for half an hour and still feel like I'm unthawing. NOT fun. Oh, well, at least I *will* get warm now.

Tomorrow ... I have mushrooms to show you. Can you hardly wait? ;-)

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